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Real Estate Commission

Real Estate Commission

The DC Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection is pleased to inform you of valuable updates to the transfer process for the Real Estate Licensee community.

Now the Real Estate Salesperson Transfer process is easier. On Saturday, October 12th, the Transfer Request Process will be automated with online approval or denial requests.

Other updates include:
•    Real Estate Broker Transfer Request 
•    New Application Updates for multiple license types

We look forward to our customers enjoying the updates and enhancing their business management experience. View the new transfer process in the link found below. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at 202-671-4500. 

Please see the documents linked at the bottom of this page for more information on the Transfer Request process.

General Information

The District of Columbia Real Estate Commission regulates the licenses of professional real estate agents and protects consumers by upholding the District of Columbia real estate license laws and regulations including:

The Commission consists of nine members appointed by the Mayor. All members must be residents of the District of Columbia throughout their tenure on the Commission. Three members must each hold a Broker’s license; two members must hold a Salesperson’s license; two members must hold a Property Manager’s license; one member must be a licensed attorney; and one member must be a consumer member who does not hold a real estate license. Five members of the Commission constitute a quorum.


The Commission meets on the second Tuesday each month at 10:00 a.m. at the Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection located at 1100 4th Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20024. August is a recess month. Due to the public health emergency, all board meetings are currently being held virtually.

Board meeting minutes are available at


Apply for license

Click to apply for a license.


Items Needed for Application

All Applicants

  • One 2”x2” passport-style photo (.jpeg format)
  • Unexpired government-issued ID (e.g., driver’s license)
  • Debit or credit card to pay application, exam, or license fees




  • Meet or exceed the District’s 135-hour pre-licensing education requirements in the jurisdictions from which you are applying
  • Two (2) years’ experience as a licensed salesperson. The active license must immediately precede the application date. 
  • Complete 3-hour DC Real Estate Commission (DCREC) approved Fair Housing course and a 3-hour DC Real Estate Commission approved 3-hour Property Management course.
  • Passing score on the state (DC) portion of the Broker exam. For additional information on the exam, refer to the “Real Estate License Examination Candidate Information Bulletin” on the DREC website.
  • An applicant for an Independent Broker’s license who has passed the required examination shall submit an application for a license to the Commission with the required fees within six (6) months of passing the examination.
  • Original letter of license certification from your original jurisdiction. The certification letter has to be dated within 90 days and contain the official seal. Pocket cards and license copies are not accepted.


  • Two (2) years’ experience as a licensed salesperson. The active license must immediately precede the application date. 
  • Complete 135-hour pre-licensing educations.
  • Passing scores on both the national & state (DC) portions of the Broker exam. For additional information on the exam, refer to the “Real Estate License Examination Candidate Information Bulletin” on the DREC website.
  • An applicant for an Independent Broker’s license who has passed the required examination shall submit an application for a license to the Commission with the required fees within six (6) months of passing the examination.
  • Property Management Continuing Education Certificate


  • Two (2) years’ experience as a licensed salesperson. The active license must immediately precede the application date. 
  • Complete a 3-hour DC Real Estate Commission (DCREC) approved Fair Housing course and a 3-hour DC Real Estate Commission approved 3-hour Property Management course.
  • Passing score on the state (DC) portion of the Broker exam. For additional information on the exam, refer to the “Real Estate License Examination Candidate Information Bulletin” on the DREC website.
  • An applicant for an Independent Broker’s license who has passed the required examination shall submit an application for a license to the Commission with the required fees within six (6) months of passing the examination.
  • Original letter of license certification from your original jurisdiction. The certification letter has to be dated within 90 days and contain the official seal. Pocket cards and license copies are not accepted.


Property Manager

  • Currently, pre-license education is not required for DC property managers. However, if property management pre-license education is desired, visit the DCREC website for approved providers and courses. 
  • Passing scores on both the general and DC portions of the Property Manager exam.  
  • An applicant for a Property Manager’s license who has passed the required examination shall submit an application for a license to the Commission with the required fees within six (6) months of passing the examination
  • Property Management Study Guide


Real Estate Organization

  • Registration as a legal entity, domestic (DC) or foreign (non-District) that conducts business in the District of Columbia (ex. Professional Corporation, LLC, Partnership, etc.)
  • Trade Name Registration, if the entity is operating under a trade name.
  • Submit a current Certificate of Good Standing from the Division Of Corporations and, if applicable, a trade name registration certificate.


Real Estate Salesperson


  • Meet or exceed the District’s 60-hour pre-licensing education requirements in the jurisdictions from which you are applying.
  • Complete a 3-hour DC Real Estate Commission (DCREC) approved Fair Housing course and a 3-hour DC Real Estate Commission approved 3-hour Property Management course.
  • All endorsement applicants are required to pass the state (DC) portion of the Salesperson exam with minimum 75 percent passing score. For additional information on the exam, refer to the “Real Estate License Examination Candidate Information Bulletin” on the DREC website. 
  • Original letter of license certification from your licensing jurisdiction. The certification letter has to be dated within 90 days and contain the official seal. Pocket cards and license copies are not accepted.


  • Complete 60-hour salesperson pre-licensing education from a DC Real Estate Commission-approved educational provider. 
  • Passing scores on both the national & state (DC) portions of the Salesperson exam. For additional information on the exam, refer to the “Real Estate License Examination Candidate Information Bulletin” on the DREC website.  
  • An applicant for a salesperson’s license who has passed the required examination shall submit an application for a license to the Commission with the required fees within six (6) months of passing the examination. 


  • Complete a 3-hour DC Real Estate Commission (DCREC) approved Fair Housing course and a 3-hour DC Real Estate Commission approved 3-hour Property Management course. 
  • Passing score on the state (DC) portion of the Salesperson exam. For additional information on the exam, refer to the “Real Estate License Examination Candidate Information Bulletin” on the DREC website. 
  • An applicant for a salesperson’s license who has passed the required examination shall submit an application for a license to the Commission with the required fees within six (6) months of passing the examination.   
  • Original letter of license certification from your original jurisdiction. The certification letter has to be dated within 90 days and contain the official seal. Pocket cards and license copies are not accepted.
  • Property Management Continuing Education Certificate



Exams may be scheduled online or by phone.

To schedule online, visit New users will need to create an account and register prior to scheduling an exam. Once registered, select “Schedule and examination” and then:

  1. Select Government/State Licensing Agencies
  2. Select District of Columbia exams
  3. Select Account for the type of licensing exam that you are seeking

Applicants may also schedule by phone at 1-855-557-0616.


Application – $65.00
License – 
Associate Broker – $170.00
Real Estate Broker – $170.00
Property Manager – $170.00
Salesperson – $130.00
Associate Broker – $170.00 (Up to two years)
Real Estate Broker – $170.00 (Up to two years)
Property Manager – $170.00 (Up to two years)
Salesperson – $130.00 (Up to two years)
Late Renewal – $50.00
Examination/Re-examination – See Section 3500.3
Reinstated License
Associate Broker – $210.00
Real Estate Broker – $210.00
Property Manager – $210.00
Salesperson – $130.00
Inactive Status
Associate Broker – $210.00
Real Estate Broker – $210.00
Property Manager – $210.00
Salesperson – $130.00
Other Services
Duplicate License – $30.00
Verification of Records – $30.00
Transfer/License Exchange/Status change – $30.00
In addition, a fee of $60.00 shall be submitted for the Real Estate Guaranty and Education Fund included in the licensee fees.
* Please note that according to D.C. Code § 47-2853.10, application fees for initial licensing, certification, registration, renewal and reinstatement shall not be refundable, even if the applicant withdraws his or her application for licensure, certification or registration, or is found to be not qualified.


Renewal and Renewal Cycle

Broker, Company, Property Manager
Expiration Date: February 28; Renewal Year: Odd

Expiration Date: August 31; Renewal Year: Odd

Submit an application for renewal of an occupational or professional license.

Real Estate Commissions Updates/Requests
Real Estate Reinstatement/Activation Application


It is unlawful for any person to practice discrimination in the rental or sale of housing accommodations and commercial space in the District of Columbia. If your complaint relates to discrimination or discriminatory practices, you may consider filing a complaint with the District of Columbia Office of Human Rights online or in person. You may also consider filing a consumer complaint with the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia.



Meeting Dates  

Find the schedule for DLCP Board Meetings here.

Contact Us

Board Commission

Edward Downs – Chair, Broker
Elizabeth Blakeslee – Vice Chair, Broker
Monique Owens – Property Manager
Ericka Black – Salesperson
Patrice Richardson – Consumer Member
Vacancy- Broker
Vacancy- Property Manager
Vacancy- Salesperson
Vacancy- Attorney

To apply for a vacancy, please visit the Mayor’s Office of Talent and Appointments for more information and an application.


Board Commission

Leon Lewis – Program Coordinator
Stacey Williams Price – Commissioner Administrator
Kevin Cyrus – Education Coordinator
Kathy Thomas – Education Liaison
For more information, please contact Occupational and Professional Licensing (OPL) using our online inquiry form, via email at, or by phone at (202) 442-4320.
Address: 1100 4th Street, SW, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20024